GEOHealth Health Effects of Selected Environmental Exposomes across the Life CourSe (HEALS) - India

Study the effect of environmental exposomes: PM2.5, NO2, O3, and extremes of temperature on multiple health outcomes through a modified life course approach
To obtain the exposomes at fine spatiotemporal resolutions across 7 different locations in India
U01 (Research): Exposure Assessment
Aim 1. To assess environmental exposomes (PM2.5, NO2, O3, and extremes of temperature) for 7 cities
Aim 1A. Machine learning-based predictive models at fine spatio-temporal resolutions (spatial:100m-1km, temporal: daily)
Aim 1B. Predictive models for speciated PM2.5 using ground monitoring-based measurements, ambient PM2.5, meteorology, and land use patterns
Pilot Aim 1: Real time personal environmental exposome measurements at individual levels & assess the extent of exposure error and evaluate exposure inequalities
U01 (Research): Health Associations
Aim 2. Assess associations between selected exposures and chronic non-communicable diseases across the life course
Pregnancy & child cohorts:
Pregnancy-related complications (gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia)
Adverse birth and childhood outcomes (pre-term birth, low birth weight, and cognitive development)
Adolescent cohorts:
Glucose- insulin metabolism (HOMA-B, HOMA-IR, DI)
BP and arterial stiffness
Early life factors (birth anthropometry and subsequent growth trajectories) in modifying this relationship
Adult cohorts:
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
CVD and CV and total mortality
Older adult and aging cohorts:
Age related and neuro-degenerative outcomes (cognitive decline, muscle strength, short physical performance battery test and frailty index)
Modified life course approach in GEOHealth Heals